Saturday, September 24, 2016

Pengalaman guna Pelan Umobile p98

At long last, a mobile data that maybe sufficient for an youtube addict like me. Umobile telah melancarkan pelan internet P98 yg memberikan anda quota 30GB dan unlimited youtube video streaming A.K.A Video-Onz. Bkn slalu ada syarikat telekomunikasi yang boleh sediakan pelan sebagus macam ini. Bawah ini ada senarai website selain youtube. Facebook dan twitter pun masuk jugak dlm list ni (video sahaja la, klau browse twitter dan facebook still tolak quota).

     So, tanpa melengahkan lg masa, nak cerita sedikit sebanyak tentang pengalaman menggunakan pelan ni.Sblum ni langgan pelan ni , seperti biasa, segala kajian aku akan buat mcm tgk komen2 org dtk facebook dan twitter , usha2 blog dan sebagainya. Bagi sesiapa yang tak pernah guna umobile ni, dia tak akan tau masalah umobile ni. Masalah paling ketara bg rakyat malaysia untuk berpindah ke umobile ni adalah coverage kawasan.Umobile ni sewa atas talian celcom (kalau tak silap) tapi coverage masih teruk dan speed dia tak beberapa laju sgt (walaupun umobile mobile speed listed as one of the fastest in Malaysia tp speed dia tak consistent).

     First time guna dekat Alor Setar, coverage ada 3G saja.Agak sedih disitu sebab mengharapkan dpt la 4G at least  tp speed 3G pun not bad.Average dlm 300-400kB/s (Byte / second yaa bkn bits).So good enough for normal browsing and stuff. Kadang boleh mencapai 1MB/s klau waktu pagi2.After a few week,new semester begin dkt Shah Alam.Datang sja dekat Padang Jawa and try tgk speed mcm mana, 3G dia mmg teruk sgt eventhough full bar.Speed dapat dalam 10-15kB/s.Sedih yang teramat laa time tu. The good thing is, bila letak dekat modem , ada coverage 4G dan speed 4G ok lg dr 3G, averaging dalam 500-600kB/s.So basically, klau nak pakai Umobile , have at least a 4G capable phone sebab speed 3G dia tak boleh diharap sangat.

P.S Semua video streaming dia capped speed pada 200kB/s and       boleh je buat hotspot ke laptop.Buka 1080p quality pun boleh tp speed 200kB/s sja mmg x akan smooth ah loading video tu.

P.S.S  Video-Onz unlimitted ni hanya utk pelan P98 sahaja for                  now.Dlu Video-Onz ni smpai bulan 7 je , tapi dia extend ke              hujung bulan 12.Tak tahu la dia nk extend lg ke tidak lepas ni.


Monday, June 15, 2015

Gym review at Alor Setar = Triple 1 Fitness

Ini adalah review pertama saya ttg gym-gym yg berada di sekitar Alor Setar.So, review gym saya yg pertama ialah gym Triple 1 Fitness.Gym ni terletak di Tandop, Alor Setar (dekat tmpt mkn restoran cina besaq,ada di tingkat 2 bgnan tersebut) .Ni review yg simple shja.Tmpt gym ni agak luas berbanding gym2 yg lain. Barang2 di gym ni yg basic semua ada mcm bench press,incline bench press,cardio machine (cycle dan running) , decline bench dan mcm2 lg.Basically, semua alat basic utk body building tu ada.Dumbell mmg byk,merata ada.Tmpt ni jugak ada squat rack, so sesuai bg org yg suka squat workout sbb bleh buat squat dlm squat rack, tak perlu ke smith machine.Tempat ini juga ada plate 1.25kg utk olympic bar.Agak nice sbb x byk gym ada plate 1.25kg (dpt jumpa 1 set sja 1.25kg,tak tahu ada lagi ke tak selain tu).Menjadikan ia tempat sesuai utk org train strength sbb kadang2 nk naik 5kg setiap kali nk progress agak sukar,so ada alternatif 2.5kg increment.Ada kawasan karpet tebal,so nk deadlift berat2 tak ada masalah.Kekurangan tmpt ni maybe kekemasan sbb plate dia byk berterabur.So pandai2 cari plate yg nk diguna.Lagii satu, harga walk in plak utk student RM6 dan bukan student RM7 (beza RM1 ja pun) dan utk membership lupa nk tnya.Last skali,klau takut anjing,berhati-hati ke gym ni sbb kawasan tu anjing byk siot.Bg saya,berbaloi bayar RM6 (lebih kurang harga standard kawasan Alor Setar) sbb kawasan dia ok dan kelengkapan ia pun ok jugak.

Here's some of the picture of gym :

X tau kenapa,tp mmg suka pulldown cabel ni sbb smooth ja guna

Friday, June 5, 2015

The power of social website can do.

Lately many of my friends start travelling around the nation, whether with their family or friends.There were some that went oversea and all of them sharing their pictures in instagram.Well,to shorten it up I felt jealousy and pathetic at the same time.
·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·. Now I understood the power social site can do especially instagram.I know that you can't tell them not to upload picture of their vacation, it's just that now I kinda understood what Mufti Menk said in his Jealousy Evil Eye speech (҂⌣̀_⌣́).I'm always "bersangka baik" like those people have saved up a lot of their money during their study that they can used it to travel in their vacation time, you know releasing some stress.

They said travelling is one of the best experience you can get in life.Well,if travelling was free, you won't be seeing me any more.I'm not mad or anything towards my friends that have travel everywhere.Maybe it's not my time yet \(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/.
Who knows, I might be able to work abroad or get a good job in Malaysia and then I can afford to travel on my own.There will be my time to travel, it's just not right now. (〜^∇^)〜 (〜^∇^)〜


I began going to the gym around a month after my final SPM paper finished.I always wanted to go to the gym because I really do want to become stronger and leaner (mostly stronger) but I don't have any experience going to the gym.

I was not this skinny though, a little fatter.

I imagined the gym was filled with strong huge guys and I was kinda afraid at first.Besides, I knew if I go to the gym I better start searching and gathering knowledge about workout and stuff so that I don't waste my time and money at the gym.

I don't remember the exact date but it was a reunion with all my friends from the middle school.It was my best friend, Shah Rezza that invite me to go to the gym after he showed me his "achievement" in the gym (a big arm,a workout and maybe due to his "marching band" activity too).So I was like well,why not? I got nothing to lose.

So the next day, I went to the gym with my sport outfit and sport shoe, not knowing what will I learned. So I began on doing the bench press.WHO DOES KNOW THE BENCH PRESS?IT'S LIKE THE MAIN WORKOUT FOR EVERY MAN, EVERY SPORTS MOVIE MUST HAVE AT LEAST ONE BENCH PRESS SCENE and because I want to get rid of the chest fat, so what the heck, lets start with that.So I lied down on the bench flat, looking at the empty bar and I was like "Cmon,its an empty bar.How heavy can it be right?".Apparently the bar was FREAKING HEAVY for beginner, I was stuck at the bottom for the first rep.Luckily Poye (Ahmad Fauzan,Shah gym partner) was there for the rescue.After that scene, I realise how weak I was..

So after the 1st day of doing some random chest and other body part workout.I say goodbye to my friends and went home.The next day was the worst day for every beginner that went to gym for the first time, soreness ( or DOMS) .I was not a very sportsman kind of person I'm not used much to the soreness of a muscle. Easy enough to say, every part of my body was in pain.I could not sleep well, the sore was unreal.It took me weeks to recover.I had to skip gym for a week because I don't think my body can withstand another workout for another weak.

The pain was unreal for beginner.

After all the pain was gone,I'm back on my track again to go the gym.I'm not gonna let the soreness of muscle frighten me to go the gym (besides, I don't have anything else to do and I'm not good at any sport). So that was how I began my gains seeking journey ᕙ། ಠ 益 ಠೃ །ᕗ   

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

My recommended ways to talk to other deadlifter why he/she does not wear a belt.


When you start lifting heavy in the gym, people will start to notice you. Some might even say good job, and some might even warn you about lifting heavy especially when you are deadlifting. Today, I want to talk a little bit about how to talk to other deadlifter why some of them are lifting heavy weight but do not wear a belt.

Instead of using "you have to wear a belt?" try using "why you don't wear a weight lifting belt?".It shows that you are asking him why not wear a belt instead of telling him to tell one.If he look like a newbie in the gym and start lifting heavy (maybe 50% of his bw??) but with terrible form,you can tell him the worst case will happen if he does not correct his form and do not wear belt if this is his first time in lifting the weight.Now, if he lifting heavy (more than his body weight) with a proper form (maybe not perfect,but his arching his back and other stuff) , you should ask why he does not wear a weight lifting belt.Why you should ask like that?Well maybe because what you considered heavy,it is light weight to him.What he is lifting may not even be his 1RM.So why should he bothered with a belt when he can easily lift it with no help from a belt at all. He maybe will respond "Nah man,I don't wear it yet because this is still light weight to me.I'll start wearing it when I start going heavy".See~~ you don't insult him,you just ask him why. He will not feel insulted (much).In case of some of you guys wondering what is good starting form for deadlift, here's a picture.

Deadlifting Form

So,that is it for today.The reason why I wrote this is because there is so many gym people start commenting me harshly on not wearing a belt while deadlifting. I told them "This is my warm up,I'll wear it when I start going heavy" and then they will respond "You will F**K up your back bad man".I just say thanks for the advice while preparing 80kg deadlift.Start using why instead of should.There's gotta
 be a reason for it.So,that's it for today.I'm really sorry for my poor english ヽ(*´Д`*)ノ and thanks for reading. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

No girlfriend,better life.(Tak ada kekasih hati,hidup lebih bahagia)


Bila dah single lama sgt ni,dia start ah pikiq "apa akan terjadi klau skrang ni,aku ada gf??adakah aku akan berasa bahagia??".Pikiq2 balik time aku ada seseorang special time tu,aku mcm kurang bahagia skit.Awai2 bahagia ah,pastu lama2,dia mcm kurang dah bahagia.So,di sini ada beberapa kelebihan apabila tiada special someone (girlfriend):

1.Tak perlu berasa bersalah apabila tidak selalu keluar dengan si dia.Mesti ada masa2 tertentu apabila sidia      ajak keluar tetapi anda berasa malas atau memang dh tak larat dh.Bila nk menolak ajakan tu,terasa                bersalah sebab sblum ini pun dah lama tak keluar sekali.Jadi,terpaksa ikut dia keluar jugak.

2.Boleh fokus lebih pada benda yang anda sedang lakukan untuk mencapai sesuatu target.Mcm aku,aku suka pergi gym,angkat berat.Boleh dikatakan 4-5 hari dlm seminggu,mmg akan ada aktiviti gym.Di situlah aku melepaskan semua tension aku,berlatih memperhebatkan kekuatan aku, berasa puas dengan kehidupan ini setelah habis bersenam didalam gym dan lain2 lagi.Bila ada special someone,mesti ada certain time kita kena abaikan apa yg kita sudah rancang untuk buat demi sidia.So,apabila tiada teman yg istimewa,lagi berkurang distraction anda terhadapa benda yg anda suka lakukan.

3.Jimat duit.Tak perlu belanja awek untuk makan ka,minum ka atau apa2 pun.So,duit akan lebih tebal dlm poket.

ada banyak lg,cuma aku malas nk tulis suma.Setakat la ni,ni la effect besar dlm life aku.Mmg ada yg tak akan setuju.Dia akan kata "klau ada teman special,kena berkorban ah masa dgn dia".Masalahnya skrang,klau aku luangkan masa aku kat hg,adakan hg akan kekal selamanya dlm hidup aku?adakah semua pengorbanan aku akan berbaloi?adakah hg mmg jodoh aku?Tak tentu lg.Toksah la ikut gaya barat tu,klau nk kenai seseorang,kena kluaq "go out together" untuk lebih mengenali sesama sendiri.Tak yah ah.Hg kluaq pi la beratus kali pun ngan dia,hg x kan knai hati budi dia yg sebenar sbb setiap kali dia kluaq ngan hg,dia akan berada dlm "best behavior".Dia x kan tunjuk kan hg keburukkan yg dia ada.Klau nk kenai someone lebih mendalam,pi sembang ngan family or friends dia.Depa tu bleh cerita sikap dia apabila dia x berada di hadapan hg.Ni suma aku belajaq dr video youtube ni.Ada masa copy paste lah link video ni.Tgk2 klau ada masa.

Sekian,terima kasih sbb ambik masa membaca.Maaf la adaa tercampur bahasa utara sana sini.Bye2  (。´∀`)ノ 


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Nokia N8 to Nokia 808 Pureview

Assalamualaikum.So,hari ini aku nk cerita mengenai apa sbb aku tukaq dr nokia n8 ke handphone skrang.Nokia 808 Pureview.Long short story,my 1 year old second hand nokia n8 start to having problem.The phone can't be charged or turn on.I'm guessing it was the battery problem because i often leave it charge overnight.So,the next day i went to the store and asked them to fix my phone.They suggest that the problem can be fix when they change the battery,the price for the service was RM60.Well,if it can revive back my nokia n8 back to live,I'm willing to pay for it.So,after they change it.The problem solved,well at least for a week.Then the phone problem came back but this time i can charge it and turn it on but when i lift the phone and just shake a bit,it went off.I have to hit it softly at the bottom or shake really hard then the phone can turn on back again.I think the problem is the battery is not inserted properly and can disconnected easily.I'am really tired of the phone because of the problem and i think the problem will still be there even if i fix it again.So, i started my journey to find a new phone.I have targeted the nokia 808 for a very long time,ever since it came out.41 MEGAPIXELS!!.I was shocked. Not everyday you get to see a 41 MP camera on a phone.Starting that day,i google evey review at google and youtube.Just to see how good is the camera and the recording. If you have time try watch this video .This video will show how much difference is nokia rich recording is with other phone.

If you have, watched it.I bet you can tell how far the difference is sound it recorded.I was amazed by the sound quality.The difference is to wide.Now on to the picture.I just let some of my picture describe it.  

Sorry for the large picture.I set it for the original size so you guys can see it for you self the quality.I bought the phone for the price of RM940.The price when it first came out war RM1800++ like that i think.It was 2011.It was very expensive for me when it first introduced in Malaysia.As time went by,the price went down.Oh,Nokia 808 was nokia last symbian device.So it is very rare nowadays.For the price RM940,i get an amazing camera capable of excellent producing incredible picture and video.It was worth it.The only downside of this phone is,it's spec is not as amazin as samsung s4 or iphone or any other smartphone out there.This phone maybe not as "smart" as other smartphone out there,but it can always do the basic task very excellent.You still got FB or twitter application for symbian even  though it came from a third party app,it still does it job very well.So,that's it for today.Sorry for my very poor english.hehe